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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ketamine used to treat?

Ketamine is used to treat major depression disorder (MDD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), postpartum depression (PPD), anxiety, and suicidal ideation.  Ketamine is not intended to be a first-line treatment, and patients must prove they have failed at least two traditional antidepressants.  Ketamine may also be used to treat chronic pain conditions, such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and fibromyalgia.

Will ketamine work for me?

Like any medication, ketamine will not work for everyone.  However, many patients who have not responded to traditional antidepressants will respond to ketamine!  Multiple studies have shown that with a single dose infusion, 60% of patients will notice a reduction in depression symptoms within 24 hours.  After completing the initial six-infusion treatment phase, this number rises to nearly 80%.

Does the infusion hurt?

The infusion itself should not be painful.  Some patients complain of a slight discomfort at the site.  If this happens to you, please let your provider know-- we can work to make things more comfortable for you.

What does a ketamine infusion feel like?

No two patient experiences are the same, and your experience may vary from treatment to treatment.  Many patients have described a dream-like state, or feeling sedated.  Others may experience temporary changes in vision or thought processing.  If you experience any unwanted or unpleasant sensations, please alert your provider-- we are always able to make adjustments to your infusion.

Do I need a referral?

Yes!  We do require a referral from your mental health provider.  If you do not have a provider, please let us know and we can help connect you with one.

Are there any contraindications?

There are a few medical conditions that may be considered contraindicated in the administration of ketamine.  Please alert us if you have any of the following: severe cardiovascular disease, poorly controlled hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, increased intraocular pressure, psychosis (active or poorly controlled), severe liver disease (such as cirrhosis), active substance use disorder and pregnancy.

Is ketamine safe?

Ketamine is an extremely safe medication, having been used as an anesthetic agent for many years in both children and adults.  The dose required for antidepressant effects is much lower than that used in anesthesia.

How many treatments will I need?

Based on multiple research studies, we recommend an initial treatment phase of six infusions over a period of three weeks for mental health disorders.  Since the response to ketamine is highly variable, we are unable to determine exactly how long the antidepressant effect will last following the infusion. Most patients return after a period of approximately 4-8 weeks for a booster.  Often times, a single booster will extend the response.


For patients seeking treatment for chronic pain, treatment plans may vary.  Please contact us for further information!

How long do the benefits last?

Response to ketamine is highly individual, so this is difficult to answer.  However, a series of six infusions will typically last anywhere from weeks to months, at which point a single booster infusion can help to extend the effects.

Is ketamine addictive?

Research has not shown ketamine to be addictive in the low, controlled doses administered as an infusion.

How much does the treatment cost?

One mental health infusion costs $450.  The six infusion package (our recommended initial treatment series) costs $2700.  Unfortunately, ketamine is not covered by insurance at this time, so payment is required at the time of service.  Financing options are now available-- please contact us for details.


For information on pain infusion pricing, please contact us!

What are the possible side effects?

Side effects of ketamine may include: drowsiness, euphoria, feelings of dissociation (feeling spacey, "woozy", or numb), increased blood pressure and/or nausea.  If you notice any unwanted side effects, please alert your provider!  We are able to make adjustments to your infusion if needed.

Who will be administering my infusion?

At Revival Infusion, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), certified in ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) will administer your infusion, and continuously monitor your vital signs and overall comfort level.  You will have a provider with an extensive history of ketamine administration by your side, with many years of emergency preparedness should the need arise.

What is a CRNA?

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are board-certified advance practice nurses with a Masters-level education.  CRNAs have rigorous, extensive training in critical care and anesthesia administration.  They hold a high degree of autonomy, and are the sole anesthesia providers in most rural hospitals.  CRNAs are highly skilled in patient assessment, complex monitoring and IV insertion/administration.  We highly recommend ketamine, classified as a dissociative anesthetic, be administered by an anesthesia-trained professional.

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